Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Yom Kippur war on acid

I made friends with the shomer at the youth hostel where I was staying, and will now try to share a story of his in his own voice. I am sure to get the details wrong, but hope to capture the spirit.

This story is set in October 1973.

"I was tripping on acid, and was talking to this Dutch guy, he was new on the Kibbutz, and he was clearly stoned. Judging from him, it seemed like good stuff, and I was about to ask him to break it out when I see this plane, this Syrian jet, come streaking over the horizon, and it's going the wrong way. That plane should not have been going that way, so I say to him, 'Man, that plane's going the wrong way,' and we both look at it, and then these two Israeli jets come in from out of nowhere and start chasing the Syrian jet, firing at it, these white streaks going through the sky. They don't shoot it down, but they kind of force it down, chase it into the ground, and it crashes with this big cloud of dust, you know, but we don't hear anything, cause it's so far away. Then, a few seconds later, we hear this big sound, this kind of whooooomp sound, and the Dutch guy leans back and says, 'What kind of music is that?'

"And that was the beginning of the Yom Kippur war."

There were many other stories, only one of which I'll mention, and then only briefly. He once met Jimmi Hendrix, and, mistaking him for his friend Ernie, greeted him with, "Ernie, man, where did you get that hat?"

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