Wednesday, August 8, 2007

In Israel you never have to drive alone

Or at least in the Golan you don't. Hitchhikers everywhere. It's great. I feel like I'm running a public taxi service for Israeli teenagers and soldiers (often the same thing). I always have company, though they're not always very talkative. I'm sure it would help if I learned Hebrew.

Unfortunately, it has now left me with a dilemma. A soldier I gave a ride to yesterday left his cap in the car. What should I do with it? Return it? I feel like they'll laugh at me. But if I try to take it, what if I'm caught at the airport? Trying to leave the country with a mysterious Israeli army cap. Maybe they'll wonder what happened to the soldier that was underneath it. Maybe I'll suffer an infamous Israeli interrogation and never be the same again. I could duck the issue and throw it out. But I don't want to throw it out. It's a nice cap. What to do, what to do?

1 comment:

Kristy Dyer said...

If the Israel army was really like summer camp, his Mom's cell phone number would be in the hat.