Sunday, August 12, 2007

Banjo Kodesh (Holy Banjo)

I wandered into a religious CD store during my first day in Tzfat and saw this on the shelves. I had to ask them to pop it in, and when I heard the bluegrass 'oy yoy yoy's, I had to have it. The first song is straight ahead bluegrass, with a Shabbos niggun for a lyric, and it's surprisingly good - the Yiddish inflection goes well with a fiddle and a banjo. Unfortunately, the album soon succumbs to the overproduced bombast typical of Orthodox popular music, though recovers a little bit. File this as another entry into the surreal world of Orthopop (there are many YouTube videos out there to demonstrate, but I don't have the time to find them -- I'm sure some of my readers can provide links in the comments).

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