Thursday, August 9, 2007

Israeli teenagers with a death wish

Okay, maybe the title is a little extreme, but these kids are frikkin' crazy. I went to the Yehudia nature preserve and hiked a trail that at one point required swimming through a stream. There's a waterfall about thirty feet high with a ladder you have to climb down and then drop in the water. There was a line that took an hour to get through, because so many kids screwing around at the bottom. After a while, some of the kids started climbing halfway up the ladder, climbing onto a rock outcrop, and jumping in, ignoring the many signs saying the jumping was forbidden. Then, inevitably, one particularly brave (or stupid) kid decided to skip the ladder and jumped from the very top. The funny thing was, he asked the supervisor of his group if he could do it, and the guy just shrugged, so he jumped. He almost hit the rocks on the edge of the pool, but was fine, and was soon followed by a bunch of other kids, like a procession of lemmings. I, of course, was worried out of my mind -- the whole thing almost gave me a heart attack. Mom, I did you proud.

Later on, at a less steep waterfall, I decided to jump myself. I was perched on the edge, about to make the jump, when a five year old kid with peyos pointed to the sign and said, "ze asur" -- it's forbidden. A teenager sitting next to him laughed and said, "'ee must not be Israeli." I paused, looked at the five year old, gave him my best Israeli shrug, and jumped.

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